For this weekend (including Monday) I am planning on posting the first official tier list for Season 3 along with an explanation for virtually every champion on that list. I will break down why they received the scores they were given on the spreadsheet. Keep in mind that if a champion was not placed on the list it means they haven't received full testing. However, this should only be a case for junglers who aren't priority junglers and merely gimmicky.





Below I will break down what all the aspects mean and how they are scored. Just like in the previous seasons though, having high scores in a few aspects does not guarantee a jungler will be placed in a high position of the tier list. There are several factors that cannot be gauged by the aspect scoring such as unique traits like Shen's ultimate or possibly even Thresh's passive. Those things are special factors that boost a champion's position or in some very rare cases (Nasus's Q) lower them. Also not all the aspects are weighed equally as others. Some aspects are more important than others. An example of this is a champion scoring an S in sustain and an A in speed. If the importance for a jungler to have speed is higher than the jungler needing to have sustain then the A attains more points towards determining the position than the S does.







The tier list is also not a "This is who you must pick" tier list. There are too many factors that need to be weighed in order to create a proper tier list and even then the feat would be near impossible. I feel the only type of tier list that can be made is one that simply measures and compares jungler feats on an almost neutral basis. You can argue with someone whether Amumu, Shen or Olaf is the best jungle pick for your team and you can throw scenario after scenario to support yourself. Multiple things can happen after that - either the person you are arguing with agrees, finds scenarios to counter yours, simply scoffs at your scenario examples or neither you agree to anything. However, there are some things you cannot deny about certain champions in the game. There are very few people that would disagree that Olaf is one of the fastest junglers in the game and by far is faster than a jungler like Nautilus. That is something you can measure, replicate and witness. There is no doubting certain things like that and thus a list of that is something I feel can be done.









A list showing which junglers have great speed, sustain, transitions and etc doesn't say much right off the bat. A list like this is not there to dictate picks but to promote discussion and thinking. Sure a jungler at the top of the list may not be the best pick currently but that doesn't mean they are not a strong jungler. They definitely present the proper aspects of a strong jungler - they just aren't necessarily needed at the moment. The list instead allows a person to instantly understand the inherent strengths of the jungle and then figure out the potential uses for the champion and build from that. It is a tool for the weaponsmith but not the warrior.







In short, the list is not trying to dictate who you should use. It is trying to bestow knowledge of the character. The application of the knowledge is another thing and that is highly affected by the current meta-game.



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